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Our Seedlings H-P

High Voltage Red- $22 A great red; subtle chalky eye and white ribboned edge. Very reliable. 18-20 buds, 6" blossoms on 38" scapes.
Happy Daze $27 This is just a happy flower! It's yellow, cheery face stands tall above the foliage and tilts sideways for a great view of it's colors. 6" blossom, 18 buds and 38" scapes.

Honey Lace- $19 A subtle sculpted texture and long blooming season highlight this sweet daylily. 18 buds per scape, but LOTS of scapes most years. 6" flower on 38" scapes.

Hot Diggity Dog- $24
A unique color with darker veins and super green throat, highlight this one. Bud count 15, 6" blooms on 32" scapes .

Innocent Eyes- $24 The "bleeding" violet eye and lined texture made this hard to resist. Both parents are very consistent and exceptionally hardy. 14-16 buds, 6" blossoms on 37" scapes.

Ignition Sequence- $23 Kelsey's heart (named after our daughter and always sells out) passed on it's great bud count and silky soft texture to I.S. The molten hot colors add the final touch to create a beaming fire across the garden. 20-24 buds, 6+" blossoms on 38" scapes.

Joy in the Morning $22 Even with smaller size scapes, "Joy" still packs a punch. Intensely contrasting colors. 16 buds, 6" flowers on 28" scapes.

Kelsey's Choice Too- $24 Another lily that has shorter scapes, but great for the front of any sunny bed. 16-18 buds with 5 1/2" blossoms on 24" scapes.

Lily Paloosa
$26 6+" flowers on 38" scapes, 20 buds
This is another fiery orange blossom that glows across any garden.

Lily's 1# Faverte
$13 5" flowers on 22" scapes, 15 buds. Named (and spelled) by our (then) 6-yr-old granddaughter, this toothy, lavender bicolor can be anyone's "faverte".

Lion and the Lamb- $26 This complex flower exhibits 3 distinctive colors, accented by a ribbon-lined, ruffled edge. 15 buds with 6" flowers on 36" scapes.

Line Up Class- $16 Named (for all those teachers out there) and after the distinctive lines, veining each petal. 18 buds, 5 1/2" blossoms on 34" scapes.

Luster Core- $24 The green center really is the core of it's beauty. I've had a bud count of 28 on some years! 6" blossoms, 24 buds on 38" scapes.

Lion Hearted- $22 One of it's parents, "Radiant Red Eyes" certainly passed-on those amazing, blazing eyes. 6" flowers, 15 buds on 38" scapes.
Loose Lips Sink Ships
$19 6.5" flowers on 38" scapes, 20 buds Beautiful velvety red.

Mango Tango
$25 8" flowers on 44" scapes, 20+ buds. This huge blossom is matched with a large bud count to create a sea of sunset orange for weeks.

$19 5.5" flowers on 33" scapes, 20 buds. Moonstone's bold, dark orange eye somehow presents a soft and gentle look. Quite unique.

Mammoth Macau- $21 Covered in massive 7 to 8 inch blossoms, sometimes rolled back, as in this pic. 15-18 buds per 38" scape.

My Imaginary Friend
$19 5+" flowers on 36" scapes, 24 buds. Rather unusual red-on-pink combo.

Mozzarella Firefox
$16 8" flowers on 36" scapes, 18 buds. The converging yellow stripes on huge, flat petals of MF, create a riot of color.

Mrs. Mikes Lilly $22 6+" flowers on 35" scapes, 18 buds
An amazing, blazing, flawless red.

Overflowing Heart
$19 6-7" flowers on 38" scapes, 20 buds.

Outside the Lines
$22 Lots of lines on this one. Texture lines, ribbon lines, plus 3 color edges. 13-15 buds of 7" blossoms on 35" scapes.

Peaceful Pink
$17 5.5" flowers on 38" scapes, 24+ buds. A few years ago, 1 scape on PP had over 40 buds ! It's color goes on and on.

Peach Pizzazz
$16 5.5" flowers on shorter 26" scapes, 18 buds.

Peaches and Cream
$15 6+" flowers on 30" scapes, 20 buds. An early bloomer, with sepals adding much to the overall color. Slightly more peach-toned than the picture shows.

PooLooSee Bagoomba
$17 5.5" flowers on 26" scapes, 20 buds. (Any Gilligan's Island fans?)

Pom Pom Orange $22 6+" flowers on 38" scapes, 20 buds. The oversized red eye just sets this flower on fire!

PyroDazzle - $20 Several years ago we had so many outstanding fiery orange seedlings that I decided to create a "pyro" series (as in pyrotechnics). In pictures, they look quite similar, but in person, they are each distinctive in their own right. PyroDazzle has the boldest and darkest eye. 15-18 buds per 35" scape. 6+" blossoms.

PyroSplendor $20 A child of "Stop the Car", this Splended daylily has the most eye-catching orangey-yellow. 4-way branching with 20+ buds on 39" scapes. 6-7" blossoms.

PyroPizzazz $20 Part of the pizzazz of this orange is the distinct stripe down each petal, but combined with 5-way branching and up to 40 buds per 40" scape, it's an overall winner! 6-7" flowers
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