Registered Daylilies
These registered daylilies have endured our Wisconsin winters at least 5 years, (although recent ones have been mild) but do increase into clumps at different speeds. Therefore, some of them will not be for sale until the spring of next year. (Delays in availability may also be due to sales previous to being registered.) We believe they are all distinctive, hardy and worthy to be registered, based on our results, here at For His Majesty Daylily Gardens.
2025 Intros

Cactus Kisses - 2025
(Tower of Teeth x White Rhino) Sold Out This one is exceptional by virtue of it's outstanding bud count, hardiness, charm and consistent toothy edge. Strong, thick 38" scapes easily hold the 28-32 buds. Blossoms are 6+"

David's Cranky Carrot - 2025
(Seedling x Seedling) Sold Out Pictures cannot capture the intensity and brilliance of DCC. We were reluctant to register it, but any time it has been available, customers buy them out within one or two days. That, combined with 18-22 buds, create a long-lasting blaze of color on 33" scapes, standing tall above the foliage. 6+" blossoms.

Squished Squash - 2025
(Cosmic Fireball x Work It Girl) Available 2026 No flashy color combo or elegant lines here. Squished Squash just unveils a blast of strikingly vivid golden-yellow that seems to go on continually. (nick-named road-stripe yellow). Huge 7-8", flat-faced flowers on 29" scapes radiate across the garden. The green throat and equally bold sepals, simply enhance the overall magnificence. 4-way branching with 20-24 buds per scape.

Tom and Carol's Keep the Faith - 2025
(Philistine Champion x Fugitive) Sold Out Named after two great supporters and friends who have lived-out their faith, through the most difficult of times . The "bleeding" violet eye creates a lovely contrast with the yellow petals. A muted bleeding continues on each sepal with a dark line ribboning the edge of the petals. 15-18 buds on each 36" scape. Blossoms are 7+"
2024 Intros

A Fan of Ann's (2024)
(Firekeeper x Jealous Jake)
Named after a great friend and supporter of For His Majesty Gardens.
Available: Sold Out 5" blossoms on 32" scapes, bud count -18
The powerful contrast of the green/yellow throat, dark eye and dark salmon petals, more than makes up for the smaller flower size. Quite unique!

Lemon Linebacker (2024) $31
(Mike Longo x The Incredible Earl Watts)
6" blossoms on 38" scapes,
bud count - 20
This flower is ALL texture! You just can't help but feel it's distinct ribs, large ruffles and very thick substance. It's blooms go on and on.

Majestic Eleanor Carroll (2024)
(Jacob's Well x Philistine Champion)
Available:Sold Out 6" blossoms on 36" scapes, bud count- 24
A clump of Majestic Eleanor Carroll exudes class and grace. This hardy, long-blossoming beauty looks just as good at the end of a hot day, as it does in the morning.
For Beet's Sake (2024)
(Black-Crested Bulbul x Jacob's Well)
5 1/2" blossoms on 28" scapes, bud count- 15. The tiny white teeth add an unusual and complex edging to this intensely purple flower. Great for a flower bed needing a smaller plant in the front.

Bow Ties and Bright Eyes (2024)
(Ashwood Summer Sunshine x Big Boy Butterfly)
6 1/2" blossoms on 40" scapes, bud count - 18
The large greenish/yellow throat, perched on tall sturdy scapes, makes this a distinctive flower. It's matching purple eye and pencil-lined dark edging compliment the peach-toned petals.
Tower of Teeth (2022)
(Unknown x Unknown)
$33 6" blossoms on 50" scapes, 20 buds/scape.
Tower of Teeth is as hardy as it is beautiful. It's teeth are consistently quite large and are set-off by converging lines streaking across the dark burgandy petals. The contrasting creamy sepals only help to high-light it's "prickly personality".